Domestic Cleaning

We know the importance of finding the right domestic cleaners for your home. For instance we regularly meet and interact with our fantastic cleaners London. This gives us the edge of knowing our domestic cleaners and knowing their strengths.

We also know how important it is to have the right regular cleaner in your home as you can trust them with providing keys and leaving them at home unattended with peace of mind. We are fully insured and our domestic cleaners have their own public liability insurance.

When you book a regular domestic cleaning service, we will make sure to send you the same cleaner every time! For instance if you book a weekly clean on a Monday at 9:00am, we will send the same cleaner every week!

However if your Luxury Team Services (Cleaning Co) cleaner is ill or away on holiday we will make sure to contact you and send you another local cleaner providing we have your permission.

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