To help you as swiftly as possible we have listed a few of the most asked questions we receive. If you don’t find the question you’re looking for, don’t worry, just get in touch with us and we’ll help you the best we can.

How much will I pay?

Our hourly rates include the cleaner’s wage, agency fee and VAT. Rates vary depending on the area you’re in and the number of hours you require each week. If you want a free quote all we’ll need is the approximate number of hours you need and your postcode.

How long should I allow for my regular cleaning?

Well, that depends on the size of your rooms and how much is in them, plus the quality and depth of cleaning that you require. Ultimately the choice is yours, you may want fewer/more hours and then just prioritise the rooms and jobs to be completed.

How do you vet the cleaners?

We first carry out a telephone interview. If the applicant seems suitable we then arrange for a more thorough interview to take place in their own home. Only after taking proof of ID and address along with references do we accept them onto our database. We then monitor every cleaner thoroughly for the whole time they are with us.

Do I meet my cleaner before the first clean?

Of course! We know the cleaner will be in your home and that personalities are often as important as cleaning standards. Once we choose a cleaner for you, we’ll arrange for them to come along and meet you so that you can approve our choice and discuss the cleaning tasks you require. It’s important that your cleaner is someone you like so there’s no need to agree to the first person we send you. Once you’re satisfied that we’ve sent the right person for you, you can then mutually arrange a regular clean day and time.

What if my cleaner can't make it, or is sick?

Just give us a call and we will provide you with a cleaner to cover.

Do I have to supply cleaning materials?

Yes, our cleaners do not carry their own materials as the majority of our clients prefer to specify the substances used in their homes. Please be aware that due to health and safety bleach is a banned substance.

Can I change my cleaner if I am not happy?

Yes, of course, we have a large and varied cleaner base and we’d be happy to assign you someone different if you are unhappy for any reason. Just give us a call.

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