One-Off Cleaning

This is one of our most popular cleaning services here at Luxury Team Services (Cleaning Co). Why you may ask? You can book the cleaning service when you need it for as long as you need it. How much notice do we need? We can normally arrange same day cleaning service if not next day guaranteed.

At Luxury Team Services (Cleaning Co) we can do ironing, laundry, changing of bed sheets and many more chores around your home. Some extra services your cleaners may perform are cleaning light switches, skirting boards, toilet bowl cleaning, polishing windows, cleaning door handles, door frames and many other hard to reach places in your house to give a fresh look and feel.

We offer great quality cleaning experts that can provide spring cleaning service which includes slightly deeper cleaning than a domestic cleaning job, but not as deep as a deep cleaning service. The one time cleaning is somewhere in between end of tenancy cleaning and domestic cleaning.

For a one bedroom flat we recommend a minimum of 2 hours for a one time deep house cleaning. For a two bedroom property we would recommend 3 hours of house cleaning service. We want to make sure our professionals have enough time to provide a deep clean service of your entire property.

We want to make the booking process as easy as possible for our customers. You simply choose a convenient time and date you wish the cleaning lady to visit your house. You can choose a single visit or multiple cleaning sessions. We provide short notice bookings and sometimes can even arrange a cleaning lady for same day cleaning. If you wish to have same day service you will have to give us a call, as you cannot book same day services online.

Enjoy life while we clean your home or workplace.

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